11 Fun Mexico Songs for Kids (Spanish and English Lyrics)

Raising bilingual children? Teach Spanish through music as a great way for your kids to catch on and absorb the language. This compilation of children’s songs is perfect for babies up to older kids and features the colorful music of Mexico. 

Ditch Spanish classes and listen to this list of 10 Fun Mexico Songs for Kids to Learn Spanish!

1. Las Mañanitas

If you ask a Mexican what they sing on their birthday, they’ll tell you Las Mañanitas! This traditional Mexican song is usually sung to celebrate birthdays and other important days like Mother’s Day and the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe. 

Spanish Lyrics:

Estas son las mañanitas

que cantaba el rey David,

hoy por ser día de tu santo

te las cantamos a ti.

Despierta, mi bien, despierta,

mira que ya amaneció,

ya los pajaritos cantan

y la luna ya se metió.

Que linda está la mañana

en que vengo a saludarte,

venimos todos con gusto

y placer a felicitarte.

El día en que tú naciste

nacieron todas las flores,

en la pila del bautismo

te dieron los mejores olores.

Ya viene amaneciendo,

ya la luz del día nos dio,

levántate de mañana,

mira que ya amaneció.

English Translation:

These are the little morning songs

that King David used to sing,

today, because it’s your saint’s day,

we sing them to you.

Wake up, my dear, wake up,

look, the day has already begun,

the little birds are singing,

and the moon has already set.

How beautiful is the morning

on which I come to greet you,

we all come with joy

and pleasure to congratulate you.

The day you were born,

all the flowers were born,

in the baptismal font,

you were given the best scents.

It’s already dawn,

the light of day is here,

get up in the morning,

look, the day has already come.

2. La Cucaracha

This silly and fun Spanish children’s song is popular in Mexico. In this Mexican folk song, a cockroach can’t walk because it’s missing a leg! The upbeat rhythm of this song makes it one of the most fun Spanish songs to dance to. 

Spanish Lyrics:

La cucaracha, la cucaracha,

ya no puede caminar,

porque le falta, porque le falta

la patita de atrás.


La cucaracha, la cucaracha,

ya no puede caminar,

porque le falta, porque le falta

la patita de atrás.

English Translation:

The cockroach, the cockroach,

can’t walk anymore,

because it’s missing, because it’s missing

the little leg at the back.


The cockroach, the cockroach,

can’t walk anymore,

because it’s missing, because it’s missing

the little leg at the back.

3. De Colores

Practice all the colors of the rainbow in Spanish with “De Colores.” This educational song teaches children their colors and Spanish at the same time!

Spanish Lyrics:

De colores, de colores

se visten los campos en la primavera,

de colores, de colores

son los pajaritos que vienen de afuera.

De colores, de colores

es el arco iris que vemos lucir,

y por eso los grandes amores

son de muchos colores para mí.

English Translation:

In colors, in colors,

the fields are dressed in spring,

in colors, in colors,

are the little birds that come from afar.

In colors, in colors,

is the rainbow that we see shine,

and for that reason, great loves

are of many colors for me.

4. El Ratón Vaquero by Cri-Cri

Cri Cri is a Mexican fictional character created by Francisco Gabilondo Soler in 1934. This adorable and catchy tune is about an American cowboy mouse stuck in a mousetrap. If you enjoy vintage music, you’ll love this great song for young children. 

Spanish Lyrics:

El ratón vaquero

que ya no puede más,

por la pradera corre

con su sombrero de ala ancha.

¡Ay! ¡Ay! ¡Ay!

¡Ay! ¡Ay! ¡Ay!

El ratón vaquero

que ya no puede más,

por la pradera corre

con su sombrero de ala ancha.

El ratón vaquero

tiene su pistola

y siempre a su lado

su fiel compañera, la ratona.

¡Ay! ¡Ay! ¡Ay!

¡Ay! ¡Ay! ¡Ay!

El ratón vaquero

que ya no puede más,

por la pradera corre

con su sombrero de ala ancha.

English Translation:

The cowboy mouse

who can’t go on anymore,

runs through the meadow

with his wide-brimmed hat.

Oh! Oh! Oh!

Oh! Oh! Oh!

The cowboy mouse

who can’t go on anymore,

runs through the meadow

with his wide-brimmed hat.

The cowboy mouse

has his pistol,

and always by his side,

his loyal companion, the little mouse.

Oh! Oh! Oh!

Oh! Oh! Oh!

The cowboy mouse

who can’t go on anymore,

runs through the meadow

with his wide-brimmed hat.

5. Baila Esta Cumbia by Selena

You probably know who the Queen of Tejano music is. This Regional Mexican-Pop fusion by Selena is perfect for dance parties in the living room, and maybe even karaoke with the Spanish lyrics. Put on some YouTube videos of Selena dancing, and get inspired to learn Cumbia too!

Spanish Lyrics:

Baila esta cumbia,

baila esta cumbia,

baila esta cumbia,

baila esta cumbia.

¡Ay, mira qué bonita!

¡Ay, mira qué bonita!

¡Ay, mira qué bonita!

¡Ay, mira qué bonita!


English Translation:

Dance this cumbia,

dance this cumbia,

dance this cumbia,

dance this cumbia.

Oh, look how beautiful!

Oh, look how beautiful!

Oh, look how beautiful!

Oh, look how beautiful!


6. A La Rueda de San Miguel

A popular Mexican nursery rhyme typically sung in a circle while playing a game, “A La Rueda de San Miguel,” translates to “To the Circle of Saint Michael.” The game is similar to “Ring Around the Rosie” and “Duck Duck Goose,” in which children dance around in a circle, and one designated player is chosen to be “San Miguel.” Learn about Mexican culture and improve your Spanish by learning this game. 

Spanish Lyrics:

A la rueda, rueda,

a la rueda de San Miguel,

todos a dar la vuelta

y a cantar el refrán.

A la rueda, rueda,

a la rueda de San Miguel,

todos a dar la vuelta

y a cantar el refrán.

Los niños a dar la vuelta,

y las niñas a saltar,

y todos a brincar juntos

al ritmo del cantar.

A la rueda, rueda,

a la rueda de San Miguel,

todos a dar la vuelta

y a cantar el refrán.

English Translation:

To the wheel, wheel,

to the wheel of San Miguel,

everyone take a turn

and sing the refrain.

To the wheel, wheel,

to the wheel of San Miguel,

everyone take a turn

and sing the refrain.

The boys go around,

and the girls jump,

and everyone jumps together

to the rhythm of the song.

To the wheel, wheel,

to the wheel of San Miguel,

everyone take a turn

and sing the refrain.

7. San Serafín del Monte

Another traditional Mexican religious song about a saint, “San Serafin del Monte,” is about Saint Saint Seraphin of Montegranaro, a lay Franciscan brother. It is not as popular as other traditional Mexcian songs, but it is a lovely rhyme if you are interested in folk music with Catholic undertones. 

Spanish Lyrics:

San Serafín del Monte,

con su sombrero blanco,

con su sombrero blanco,

y su pistola al cinto.

San Serafín del Monte,

con su sombrero blanco,

y su pistola al cinto,

y su pistola al cinto.

La culebra y el ratón

le cantan la canción,

y el gavilán se la lleva

volando por el cielo.

San Serafín del Monte,

con su sombrero blanco,

con su sombrero blanco,

y su pistola al cinto.

English Translation:

Saint Seraphim of the Mountain,

with his white hat,

with his white hat,

and his pistol at his belt.

Saint Seraphim of the Mountain,

with his white hat,

and his pistol at his belt,

and his pistol at his belt.

The snake and the mouse

sing him the song,

and the hawk takes him

flying through the sky.

Saint Seraphim of the Mountain,

with his white hat,

with his white hat,

and his pistol at his belt.

8. La Guadalupana

This religious song represents the rich Catholic history of Mexico. It is often sung on December 12th, the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patroness of Mexico. 

Spanish Lyrics:

Yo soy la Guadalupana,

la que vive en el Tepeyac,

y a todos les doy mi bendición,

y a todos les doy mi bendición.

Mi vida, mi vida,

mi vida, mi vida,

yo soy la Guadalupana,

la que vive en el Tepeyac.

Soy la estrella del cielo,

soy la flor más bonita,

en el Tepeyac te espero

con mi imagen bendita.

Mi vida, mi vida,

mi vida, mi vida,

yo soy la Guadalupana,

la que vive en el Tepeyac.

English Translation:

I am the Guadalupana,

the one who lives on Tepeyac,

and I give my blessing to everyone,

and I give my blessing to everyone.

My life, my life,

my life, my life,

I am the Guadalupana,

the one who lives on Tepeyac.

I am the star of the sky,

I am the most beautiful flower,

on Tepeyac, I await you

with my blessed image.

My life, my life,

my life, my life,

I am the Guadalupana,

the one who lives on Tepeyac.

9. La Bamba

This traditional Mexican folk song was made famous all over the world by Ritchie Valens. With a deep history rooted in Veracruz, this melody is incredibly fun to dance to, and the kids will have a blast. 

Spanish Lyrics:

Para bailar la bamba

para bailar la bamba

se necesita una poca de gracia

una poca de gracia y otra cosita

y arriba y arriba

y arriba y arriba

por ti seré, por ti seré,

por ti seré.

Yo no soy marinero

yo no soy marinero,

soy capitán, soy capitán,

soy capitán.

Para bailar la bamba

para bailar la bamba

se necesita una poca de gracia

una poca de gracia y otra cosita

y arriba y arriba

y arriba y arriba

por ti seré, por ti seré,

por ti seré.

English Translation:

To dance the bamba

to dance the bamba

you need a little grace

a little grace and another thing

and up and up

and up and up

for you I will be, for you I will be,

for you, I will be.

I am not a sailor

I am not a sailor,

I am a captain, I am a captain,

I am a captain.

To dance the bamba

to dance the bamba

you need a little grace

a little grace and another thing

and up and up

and up and up

for you I will be, for you I will be,

for you, I will be.

10. Un Poco Loco (From Coco)

This fun song from the Disney-Pixar film Coco is about family, music, and Mexican traditions. It’s a modern track with catchy rhythms and upbeat energy that brings Mexican culture to life. 

Spanish Lyrics:

¡Un poco loco, un poco loco!

¿Quién te quiere tanto así?

¡Un poco loco, un poco loco!

¡Ay, mamá, no sé qué hacer!

Un poco loco, un poco loco,

pero te quiero, sí, te quiero,

un poco loco, un poco loco,

me tienes loco, loco, loco.

La vida es un sueño

y todo es tan bello,

en mi corazón

siempre hay alegría.

Un poco loco, un poco loco,

pero te quiero, sí, te quiero,

un poco loco, un poco loco,

me tienes loco, loco, loco.

English Translation:

A little crazy, a little crazy!

Who loves you this much?

A little crazy, a little crazy!

Oh, mom, I don’t know what to do!

A little crazy, a little crazy,

but I love you, yes, I love you,

a little crazy, a little crazy,

you’ve got me crazy, crazy, crazy.

Life is a dream

and everything is so beautiful,

in my heart

there’s always joy.

A little crazy, a little crazy,

but I love you, yes, I love you,

a little crazy, a little crazy,

you’ve got me crazy, crazy, crazy.

11. La Chona

An energetic regional Mexican song by Los Tucanes de Tijuana. One of the most favorite songs to play at parties and dances, it tells the story of La Chona, a woman who enjoys life and loves to dance. 

Spanish Lyrics:

A ella le gusta bailar,

le gusta mover los pies,

la chona, la chona,

la que todos quieren ver.

La chona, la chona,

la que mueve la cadera

es la chona, la chona,

la que todos quieren ver.

English Translation:

She likes to dance,

she likes to move her feet,

the Chona, the Chona,

the one everyone wants to see.

The Chona, the Chona,

the one who moves her hips

is the Chona, the Chona,

the one everyone wants to see.

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